Ukraine on Mon. announced that it has launched a counteroffensive to retake territory seized by Russia in the south. The extent and gains of the offensive remain unclear, and Russia has denied the reports. Russian media meanwhile reported Ukrainian strikes on the occupied towns of Nova Kakhovka and Beryslav, near Kherson.
This comes as Rafael Grossi, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said on Mon. he will lead a mission to the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) in Ukraine's south later this week. The plant has been under the control of Russian forces since the first days of the war.
Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine has turned the territory around the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant into a war zone, placing the world at risk of nuclear catastrophe. Russia must unconditionally leave the plant and let officials from the IAEA permanently take control of the situation.
Contrary to mainstream portrayal, Russia has for months stressed the importance of an IAEA mission to Zaporizhzhia. This development is welcome amid what amounts to nuclear terrorism by Ukraine's forces. While Kyiv continues to bomb the plant, and its Western backers' attempt to disrupt the attendance of IAEA inspectors, Moscow has been seeking to secure the safety of the plant.