Senior ISIS Leader Captured In Syria.

    Image copyright: AFP [via BBC News]

    The Facts

    • The US-led coalition stated on Thurs. that a senior leader of the Islamic State (ISIS) group was detained in Syria during an early-morning raid.

    • Troops are said to have stormed a house in al-Humayra, close to the Turkish border in Aleppo province, leading to a seven-minute armed clash between them and residents.

    • Officials later identified the man detained as ISIS bomb maker Hani Ahmed Al-Kurdi, also known as the "Wali of Raqqa" – or the governor of Raqqa, a city that was the ISIS de facto capital between 2014 and 2019.

    The Spin

    Pro-establishment narrative

    This operation, which aims at tackling a recent ISIS revival, was a huge success as the US-led coalition arrested a senior ISIS leader while preventing collateral damages by executing a successful plan of action.

    Establishment-critical narrative

    Though successful missions against ISIS such as this one receive a much broader media coverage, they can't justify the fact that the coalition's campaign has systematically and tragically claimed the lives of civilians. The US occupation of part of Syria is just as illegal as the Russian occupation of part of Ukraine.

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