US Open: Russian, Belarusian Players Can Compete

    Image copyright: Getty Images [via The Guardian]

    The Facts

    • US Tennis Association CEO Lew Sherr announced on Tues. that the US Open will allow Russian and Belarusian players to compete in this year's tournament.

    • This means that Russian Daniil Medvedev, currently ranked men's No.1, will be allowed to defend his title in the competition that will start on Aug. 29.

    The Spin

    Pro-Russia narrative

    This decision is in line with the ethics of sports. Targeting athletes is misguided and prejudicial as they have nothing to do with their country's military operations. Sports should be kept separate from politics.

    Anti-Russia narrative

    Banning athletes from competing is no easy decision, but a necessary one. The reality is that sports and politics are closely intertwined and these sanctions rightly deny Putin one of his most reliable political tools and isolate him internationally.

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