EU, Ukraine Sign Security Deal

EU, Ukraine Sign Security Deal
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The Facts

  • Ukraine and the European Union (EU) signed a long-term security pact in Brussels on Thursday. EU nations conveyed both political and military support for Ukraine.

  • The deal was signed by Ukrainian Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy, European Council Pres. Charles Michel, and European Commission Pres. Ursula von der Leyen.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

With Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Europe's security landscape has undergone a tectonic shift. A security deal like the one signed on Thursday in Brussels will unify and strengthen the region's defense efforts, which is key to long-term stability and resilience. European security depends on providing sustained support to Ukraine.

Establishment-critical narrative

The EU and NATO in fact provoked Russia's special operation in Ukraine by expanding eastward over the years. Western actions made Russia feel threatened and gave Putin a pretext for war. While Putin indeed bears some responsibility for the war, the reckless policies of the US and Europe can't be ignored.

Metaculus Prediction

Public figures in this story

Establishment split



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