Mexico: 9 Killed After Stage Collapses at Election Rally

Mexico: 9 Killed After Stage Collapses at Election Rally
Above: Presidential candidate Jorge Álvarez Máynez of Movimiento Ciudadano party speaks during a campaign rally on March 12, 2024 in Monterrey, Mexico. Image copyright: Medios y Media/Contributor/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Nine people, including a minor, have died after a stage collapsed due to gusty winds at a campaign rally for the Citizens' Movement party in the northeastern Mexican city of San Pedro Garza García on Wednesday.

  • The governor of Nuevo León, Samuel García, said that 36 people remain hospitalized and will receive 100K ($5.9K) pesos each "until their recovery or discharge." The kins of the deceased are expected to receive 400K pesos ($23.9K) as compensation.

The Spin

Narrative A

This tragedy shocked the whole country — no one would ever expect that a gust of wind could cause the stage to collapse on the crowd. Nuevo León will assist those who have lost their loved ones, including covering funeral-related costs and bringing them attention and support.

Narrative B

This wasn't an accident, but a crime. Given that Mexico's meteorological authority had warned of heavy winds — including potential whirlwinds and tornadoes — in Nuevo León, these deaths and injuries are at best a result of the Citizens' Movement and state authorities acting with criminal negligence.

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