Obama Makes Appeal to Social Media Influencers

Obama Makes Appeal to Social Media Influencers
Image copyright: Mark Makela/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • During a fundraiser for US Pres. Joe Biden in Los Angeles, Calif., on Saturday, former Pres. Barack Obama implored around 80 social media influencers to support Biden in his reelection campaign, citing his "core beliefs."

  • Obama defended his former vice president by telling the audience that while they "may not agree" with all of Biden's actions, he will align with their interests "nine times out of 10."

The Spin

Republican narrative

Young Americans are completely turned off by Biden's policy failures, and the American public has no faith in him to resolve the Israel-Hamas war or fix the economy. Due to this, young voters may hand Trump a win in November by defecting from the Democrats. A fundraiser sponsored by Hollywood elites won't help Biden contend with Trump's grassroots campaign.

Democratic narrative

There is no candidate in this race other than President Biden who can deliver the agenda that young people want. Biden still leads among younger voters, as they know a Trump presidency would be a disaster for abortion rights, the climate, and gun violence. Young people know that Biden is the right choice, they just need to be more vocal about it.

Progressive narrative

Biden has enabled Israel's genocidal campaign in Gaza, and many young people cannot vote for him in good conscience. Protests on campus have roiled over his appeasement of Netanyahu and Israel — to include brutal police crackdowns — and Biden may lose the election due to the abstention of young voters. Biden still has a chance to garner GenZ and millennial votes, but he'll need to deliver a cease-fire to do so.

Metaculus Prediction

Public figures in this story

Political split



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