Report: US Warns Iran Against Attacking Israel

Report: US Warns Iran Against Attacking Israel
Above: A huge banner posted on a building facade in Vali Asr square depicts IRGC (Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps) multiple missiles models aimed at Israel on April 16, 2024 in Tehran, Iran. Image copyright: Kaveh Kazemi/Contributor/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • The US has reportedly issued a warning to Iran of serious potential damage to the country and the region should it take retaliatory measures against Israel over the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran last month.

  • The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, citing an unnamed US official, that Washington cautioned Tehran of a "serious risk" to the Iranian economy and government stability "if it goes down that path."

The Spin

Pro-Iran narrative

It's ridiculous for the US to warn Iran against exercising its right to retaliate, as it not only failed to condemn the Israeli assassination of top Hamas and Hezbollah leaders but assisted Israel in carrying out the heinous killings. Additionally, how can Washington claim to be committed to a cease-fire while unconditionally bolstering the Israeli war machine? Tehran reserves all options for retaliation against the Israeli regime and will consider ways to hold the US accountable via international bodies.

Anti-Iran narrative

Given the potentially dire consequences, Iran should take the US warning seriously. Washington will not hesitate to protect its interests and partners, and to reinforce its message to the Iranian regime. The pressure seems effective, as contrary to its martial rhetoric, Iran's military retaliation against Israel has yet to materialize. Tehran and its proxies are primarily responsible for the region's destabilization, and it would come to bitterly regret any further escalation.

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