UN: 96% of Gaza Facing Acute Food Insecurity, Notes 'Slight Improvement'

UN: 96% of Gaza Facing Acute Food Insecurity, Notes 'Slight Improvement'
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The Facts

  • The UN said on Tuesday that 96% of Gaza's approximate 2.15M people "face acute food insecurity," though the report noted that there has been a "slight improvement" in northern Gaza, where potential famine had been anticipated at the end of May.

  • The report said that, because the amount of food entering the strip increased in recent months, it "does not indicate that famine is currently occurring,” though the report still warned that there is still “a high and sustained risk of Famine across the whole Gaza Strip.”

The Spin

Pro-Israel narrative

The UN and other Hamas enablers claim that Israel was purposefully causing a famine in Gaza, but it's clear that no such famine ever happened. Recent studies have found that there is more than enough food entering Gaza, yet international organizations ignore this to perpetuate false narratives. Of course, distribution is a problem, but that is because Hamas keeps attacking aid convoys to steal food for itself. Indeed, the problem, like it has been since day one, is Hamas and its enablers.

Pro-Palestine narrative

The hunger crisis in Gaza peaked in March, which is why international organizations said that famine was imminent. Under mounting international pressure and criticism for the siege it imposed on Gaza, Israel “slightly” improved food access, decreasing the risk of a full-on famine. However, starvation is still widespread, and the risk of famine hasn't subsided. Though food is entering the strip, it is nearly impossible to distribute because Israel has systematically targeted aid workers and created a state of utter insecurity.

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