Jeffrey Crouch

Jeffrey Crouch

Jeffrey Crouch is an assistant professor of American politics at American University in Washington D.C., where he specializes in federal executive democracy, particularly the power of presidential pardon. His commentary is frequently featured in the New York Times, the Washington Post, and NBC News, among other platforms.

Claims from Jeffrey Crouch

Jeffrey Crouch
Jeffrey CrouchTrump "could very well attempt to self-pardon, but it's entirely unclear how that would turn out."Dec 08, 2020
Jeffrey Crouch
Jeffrey Crouch"This [J D Vance pardoning him] might be an alternate route for a newly elected President Trump who wants to be pardoned but does not want to have to do it himself."Jun 22, 2023
Jeffrey Crouch
Jeffrey Crouch"He may be able to pardon himself, but there are reasonable arguments on both sides of this question."Jun 22, 2023

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