Accounting Firm: Trump's Financial Statements Not Reliable

    Image copyright: AP

    The Facts

    • A newly released letter that Trump's former accounting firm sent last week has brought into further question the reliability of his financial statements.

    • The letter from Mazars USA LLP was made public on Monday by a court filing from NY AG Letitia James, who's investigating potentially fraudulent property valuations by Trump and his business.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    James' investigation must be cutting close to the bone. In past depositions, Mazars was willing to let Trump play loose with the truth about his valuations; now that law enforcement is involved they're reconsidering their options.

    Pro-Trump narrative

    James' investigation has no merit and is a political ploy to advance her career while tarnishing the Trump name. Her unethical behavior will be exposed when the Trumps make their case.

    Establishment split



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