Afghan Refugees to Receive Temporary Protected Status in the US

    Image copyright: Jose Luis Magana/AP [via Al Jazeera]

    The Facts

    • Afghanistan has been designated for temporary protected status (TPS) for 18 months due to the "ongoing armed conflict" and the continued humanitarian crisis faced by the country.

    • The move is designed to protect Afghan nationals in the US from deportation that would see them returned to "unsafe conditions."

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    Whilst this is a critical step towards supporting Afghan nationals, the administration must go further. Biden must highlight the need for Congress to act on their immigration status and lobby for the passage of the Afghan Adjustment Act to offer a pathway to permanent relief and US citizenship.

    Right narrative

    Biden has already put enough Americans at risk by introducing a flood of evacuees from a well-known terrorist safe haven, without any proper vetting. Designating Afghanistan for TPS only exacerbates threats to state security.

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