Amazon Faces NY Discrimination Complaint

    Image copyright: AP [via USA Today]

    The Facts

    • The NY State Division of Human Rights has accused tech giant Amazon of discriminating against pregnant and disabled workers, and failing to follow recommendations from the company's "accommodation consultants."

    • Amazon allegedly forced pregnant women to lift heavy packages, rather than lighter ones, and failed to make provisions for disabled employees to continue working by claiming the medical documentation they submitted wasn't "appropriate."

    The Spin

    Establishment-critical narrative

    These complaints are precisely why Amazon workers have tried to unionize, and why Amazon spent $4.3M in anti-union efforts last year alone; a budget which doesn't include spending on outside advertising, public relations or high-price lawyers.

    Pro-establishment narrative

    Many Amazon workers are more than satisfied with the company's working practices, especially their pay and benefits (which include 401(k) and exceptional healthcare options). As an employer, anecdotes suggest that they treat their staff exceptionally well and have higher than average staff satisfaction rates.

    Establishment split



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