Amazon Workers Reject Union Bid at NYC Warehouse

    Image copyright: The New York Times

    The Facts

    • Workers at an Amazon warehouse in NYC overwhelmingly rejected a proposal to join a union on Monday.

    • Employees at the LDJ5 warehouse on Staten Island voted against unionization by 618 to 380. There was a 62% turnout of around 1.6K eligible voters.

    The Spin

    Establishment-critical narrative

    A second union victory would've cemented the power and influence of the ALU among Amazon workers. Despite the best efforts of high-profile Democrats, Amazon's aggressive anti-union tactics and a lack of organizers in the latest warehouse have suppressed efforts to empower workers. Organizers must not let things end here.

    Pro-establishment narrative

    Some Amazon workers have opposed unionization because they're satisfied with their pay and benefits (which include 401(k) and exceptional healthcare options), while others believe unions are overpromising on what they can deliver. Either way, the high turnover and huge scale of many workforces in the company make organization efforts unlikely to succeed and inappropriate for employees.

    Establishment split



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