County Judge: Arizona Can Enforce Near-Total Abortion Ban

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The Facts

  • Pima County Superior Court Judge, Kellie Johnson, last week granted a request by Arizona's Republican attorney general to lift a court injunction that had barred the enforcement of a pre-statehood ban on abortion.

  • Friday's ruling means that clinics statewide will have to stop providing abortions - any that continue offering the procedure may face criminal charges unless a pregnant woman's life is in jeopardy due to the condition.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Arizona's abortion ruling is literally sending women's rights back more than a century and a half. Republicans have catastrophically eroded reproductive rights through this sickening, draconian setback.

Republican narrative

Corporate media is not interested in the reality that left-leaning abortion extremism is exceptionally unpopular among Americans. Dozens of mainstream outlets are failing to ask difficult questions about the dangerous and inflammatory ideas the left-wing are proposing, and that are opposed by their audiences. This reflects a serious journalistic failure.

Metaculus Prediction

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