AZ Legislator Proposes Controversial Election Changes

    Image copyright: Associated Press [via Business Insider]

    The Facts

    • Rep. John Fillmore (AZ-R) has proposed an election bill that would limit early voting, require hand counts within 24 hours, and allow state legislators to reject results.

    • It's unclear if the proposal will gain traction in the narrowly GOP-controlled AZ legislature.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    This is driven by Trumpist election conspiracies. It smacks of Jim Crow-era voting restrictions and authoritarianism. This is undemocratic and would create a logistical nightmare on Election Day.

    Pro-Trump narrative

    This is about ensuring free and fair elections. Recent findings from Maricopa County uncovered irregularities that need to be fixed. Even some AZ Democrats are disturbed by what happened in 2020.

    Narrative C

    Actions based on Stop the Steal fantasies--like AZ sending fake certificates to the national archives--are delusions that should be prosecuted. Biden won and it's time to move on.

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