Beijing Olympians Report Poor COVID Hotel Conditions

    Image copyright: Getty Images [via Newsweek]

    The Facts

    • COVID-positive athletes housed in quarantine hotels at the Beijing Olympics allegedly received poor food, had unreasonable living conditions, and weren't informed when they would be released.

    • Russian biathlon athlete Valeria Vasnetsova posted that she received small inedible meals that made her feel unwell and exhausted.

    The Spin

    Anti-China narrative

    China's poor treatment of Olympians in quarantine hotels should never have happened. Although the situation is improving thanks to the international attention garnered and intervention by the IOC, there is still confusion and room for improvement.

    Pro-China narrative

    Pulling off a safe and successful Olympics has been a heroic feat for China. Despite the uncertainty of COVID, Beijing has organized the pandemic's first non-delayed global sports event. There have been challenges, but they are being overcome.

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