Biden Announces Moves to Boost US Solar Panel Industry

    Image copyright: AP Photo/AP Images [via Fox Business]

    The Facts

    • The White House has announced it will exempt US solar companies for two years from tariffs on panels manufactured in countries other than China, and that it's invoking the Defense Production Act (DPA) to ramp up production of solar panel parts, insulation, and heat pumps.

    • These moves come in response to the US solar panel industry coming to a near standstill during a probe into whether China has been circumventing US tariffs.

    The Spin

    Democratic narrative

    Biden is proving he takes clean energy seriously. These moves will help the US continue on the road to achieving its carbon reduction goals, as well as become energy independent. A win-win for the environment and economy alike.

    Republican narrative

    Biden can come up with solutions like invoking the DPA, but the Democrats' utopia of green energy creating hundreds of thousands of manufacturing will never come true because most of those jobs will go to countries with lower labor and energy costs.

    Metaculus Prediction

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