Biden Hits Record Low Approval Ratings

Image copyright: CNN

The Facts

  • President Joe Biden's approval rating has dropped to a record low of 33%, as per a new Quinnipiac University poll.

  • 94% of Republicans, 56% of independents, 54% of Hispanics and 25% of African Americans polled disapproved of Biden.

The Spin

Republican narrative

This is great news for the Republicans and what stands out is the near-even split by Hispanics between the GOP and Democrats. This highlights the overall lack of trust in Biden and erodes a previously-safe block of democrat voters.

Democratic narrative

Biden is getting good marks for his handling of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but the economy - jolted by the ever-changing pandemic - makes these numbers admittedly tough. With the fall elections just on the horizon, now's the time for the Democrats to rally passion among voters.

Public figures in this story

Political split