Biden Invokes Defense Production Act for Baby Formula Shortage

    Image copyright: AP Photo [via Snopes]

    The Facts

    • On Wed., Pres. Biden invoked the Defense Production Act (DPA) in an effort to increase the production of baby formula amid a nationwide shortage.

    • The DPA was first enacted to avoid wartime shortages and requires companies to enter into contracts to produce materials deemed necessary for national defense.

    The Spin

    Democratic narrative

    Biden's recent actions show that his administration is taking the baby formula shortage seriously and treating it like the crisis that it is. Enacting the DPA, approving funding, and reopening Abbott's Michigan plant will all work together to help families get through the worst of this shortage.

    Republican narrative

    The decision to invoke the DPA is little more than a poor attempt of keeping up appearances. It won't actually solve the problem because the crisis is due to a lack of inventory and production capacity, not a lack of ingredients. As for flying in supply, the planes won't be able to import enough formula to justify the expense. Biden and the Democrats continue to fumble this issue.

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