SCOTUS Denies Trump's Bid to Shield White House Records

    Image copyright: AP [via Business Insider]

    The Facts

    • On Tuesday, SCOTUS rejected Trump's latest bid to try and block his administration's White House records from being released to the House Select Committee investigating Jan. 6.

    • In an unsigned order, SCOTUS denied the request that it review Trump's appeal in the case, which means that the lower court's decision on the matter will stand and the documents will be released to the Committee on March 3.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    Trump's disregard for the rule of law regarding records and transparency is now well established. He used claims of executive privilege to try and hide his crimes dating back to his first Impeachment. The decision on the visitor logs brings us one step closer to the truth.

    Pro-Trump narrative

    When it comes to Trump-era records, transparency is now the rule of the land under Biden. But this is hypocritical since his administration has refused to release the visitor logs to the President's Delaware homes.

    Establishment split



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