Biden to Visit South Korea and Japan In May

    Image copyright: AFP/Getty Images [via CNN]

    The Facts

    • On Wed., White House officials announced that Biden will make his first trip to Asia as president next month, visiting South Korea and Japan from May 20-24.

    • He will hold bilateral meetings with South Korea's newly elected Pres. Yoon Suk-yeol and Japanese PM Kishida Fumio, as well as a "Quad" meeting with the leaders of Australia, India, and Japan.

    The Spin

    Establishment-critical narrative

    The "Quad" can only promote exclusion, as it's based on an old-fashioned US mentality of hegemony as well as ideological and military conflict. As a better alternative, all nations in the region should work together to support collective security, stability, and prosperity.

    Pro-establishment narrative

    This trip will send a strong message to Pyongyang and Beijing by showing that Biden seeks to strengthen the US' relationship with its allies. The US is committed to a free and open Indo-Pacific, and these alliances are vital to ensuring a rules-based global order.

    Cynical narrative

    It's unclear whether the Quad will actually amount to much in the end. It has a ways to go as a functional group, and all four countries believe economic relations can be separated from geopolitics - a thought Beijing concurs with too. Without a strategic vision or even an agenda, the Quad has a lot of work to do before it can even begin to make an impact.

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