Biden's Approval Ratings Dip Below 40%

Image copyright: Fox News

The Facts

  • Biden's approval rating has fallen below 40% for the first time, based on an average of polling data.

  • The poor ratings come as the administration grapples with the continuing pandemic, the Russian threat over Ukraine, and ongoing developments at the US-Mexico border.

The Spin

Right narrative

The basic cost of living has skyrocketed during Biden's presidency. Inflation is at a 40-year high and even Democrats like Manchin are now taking aim at his economic strategy. Everything is up, except Biden's ratings.

Left narrative

The US economy is doing well - it's only a climate of hyperpartisanship stopping voters from seeing this. Almost no one predicted the force of current economic growth, and inflation fears are exaggerated as current rates are compared to last year's historic lows.

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