Book: Trump Gave Serious Thought to Greenland Purchase

Image copyright: AP [via NBC News]

The Facts

  • Former Pres. Donald Trump's interest in acquiring Greenland wasn't just a passing fancy, but rather an issue seriously discussed with high-level officials, a new book to be published next Tues. claims.

  • "The Divider," written by The New York Times' Peter Baker and The New Yorker's Susan Glasser, says that National Security Council officials were assigned by then-National Security Advisor John Bolton and his aide Fiona Hill to analyze the idea at Trump's direct request.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

It was bad enough to think that Trump's idea to buy Greenland was one of his impulsive actions, but the true story makes it even worse. In fact, he spent months stubbornly asking officials to advance this bid, even offering to trade Puerto Rico for it. And the saddest thing is that this isn't even surprising, considering his character.

Pro-Trump narrative

Despite the mockery of the mainstream media, Trump deserves credit for coming up with this bid. While Denmark prevents Greenland from developing by promoting neocolonialist policies, the US — which has long been strategically involved in the Arctic's island — could lead this region to an economic boom by unlocking value from its lands, while simultaneously pushing back against China's growing influence.

Metaculus Prediction

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