Brazil: Last Member Of Isolated Indigenous Tribe Dies

Image copyright: Survival International [via New York Post]

The Facts

  • On Sat., Brazil's Indigenous Affairs Agency (FUNAI) announced the death of the last remaining member of an uncontacted Brazilian indigenous tribe, known as the "Man of the Hole" and believed to be about 60 years old.

  • A FUNAI agent found the man's feather-covered body in a hammock outside his straw hut on Aug. 23 – likely 40 to 50 days after his passing – in the Tanaru Indigenous Territory, in the Rondônia state, bordering Bolivia. There were no signs of violence and it is believed he died of natural causes.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

The "Man of the Hole" is a symbol of the genocide of indigenous peoples, who have been intentionally annihilated by criminals pursuing profit. The other members of his tribe were killed decades ago and if Pres. Bolsonaro succeeds in abolishing Indigenous land protections, more tribes are likely to disappear.

Pro-establishment narrative

Brazilian officials looked after this lonely man's interests and wellbeing for 26 years as it has done with all of its hundreds of indigenous groups. Aside from protecting the 14% of Brazil already earmarked as indigenous land, Bolsonaro has sought to strike a delicate balance that recognizes the diversity of indigenous customs and culture, while establishing plans to sustainably utilize the biodiversity and mineral richness of the Amazon rainforest.

Metaculus Prediction

Establishment split