Breonna Taylor: 4 Officers Charged for Death

Image copyright: Facebook [via BBC News]

The Facts

  • Two current and two former police officers in Louisville, Ky. were charged on Thurs. with violating the civil rights of Breonna Taylor - a black woman who was killed in a 2020 raid.

  • Officers Joshua Jaynes, Kelly Goodlett, and Kyle Meany were all charged with falsifying an affidavit that led to the "no knock" warrant that ultimately led to Taylor's death.

The Spin

Left narrative

This announcement is an important step towards healing the nation and bringing closure to Taylor's family. It will provide a sigh of relief for families who've lost loved ones to the actions of police officers, and may bring a new understanding of the lack of officer accountability that has enabled police violence against civilians and fueled racial unrest.

Right narrative

While Taylor's death was avoidable and a tragedy, the media is using it to fuel the war on cops. Those responsible should be held accountable, however, the officers who fired the shots that killed her were acting in self-defense. They didn't write the warrant, and aren't responsible for its accuracy.

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