Calif. Gov. Newsom Vetoes Bill Calling for Legal Injections Sites

Image copyright: Getty Images [via Breitbart]

The Facts

  • On Mon., CA Dem. Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoed legislation that would have created safe drug injection sites intended to reduce overdose deaths.

  • Senate Bill 57 moved to implement a tri-city program in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Oakland that would legalize drug use in places supervised by trained staff to prevent accidental overdoses.

The Spin

Republican narrative

They actually did it – the progressives of Calif. passed legislation so radical even Newsom couldn't back it. While preventing overdoses is a noble venture, encouraging drug use isn't the way to do it. This bill sends the wrong message to drug users, their families, and the community at large.

Democratic narrative

Newsom is putting his political ambitions ahead of public health. We know from years of experience and studies that these sites - which Newsom has supported in the past - work. However, he's clearly thinking ahead to his potential campaign for national office and doesn't want to give his conservative critics the ability to tie him to open drug use.

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