China Condemns Alleged US, New Zealand Interference In Domestic Affairs

    Image copyright: AP [via Breitbart]

    The Facts

    • China's foreign ministry on Wed. denounced a joint statement from New Zealand and the US discussing issues related to Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, saying it smears China and meddles with its internal affairs.

    • This comes after US Pres. Joe Biden met New Zealand's PM Jacinda Ardern on Tues., marking the first visit of a New Zealand leader to the White House since 2014.

    The Spin

    Pro-China narrative

    The US is trying to weaponize Pacific nations against China out of hegemonic self-interest. Rather than succumbing to American pressure and parroting their anti-China rhetoric, New Zealand should perhaps consider pursuing its own independent foreign policy.

    Anti-China narrative

    The US and New Zealand's foreign policies are aligned on this matter. New Zealand is simply taking decisive steps to protect its values and the liberal order against the rising aggression of autocracies. Wellington is aware that it must take a hardline stance on security to become a relevant player in the Indo-Pacific, and is endeavouring to do so.

    Metaculus Prediction

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