China Conducts Military 'Readiness Patrol' Around Taiwan

Image copyright: Reuters [via Al Jazeera]

The Facts

  • The People's Liberation Army Eastern Theatre Command announced on Wed. that China has conducted a "combat readiness patrol" in the sea and skies around Taiwan in response to what it described as US-Taiwan collusion.

  • It was the third military drill carried out by Beijing around the Taiwan Strait in the past 30 days.

The Spin

Anti-China narrative

The battle between democracy and authoritarianism is in full swing, and China's expansionist ambitions must be firmly countered. To deter Beijing, it's high time to take a clear stance and deepen military ties with Taiwan.

Pro-China narrative

The US is desperately seeking to defend its state of hegemony against China. Washington should reconsider whether it will continue undermining the world order or will help create a multipolar order based on mutual respect - including honoring its commitment to the One China policy.

Metaculus Prediction

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