China Stages Military Exercises After US Reps Visit Taiwan

    Image copyright: Taiwan Presidential Office [via AP]

    The Facts

    • China said it has conducted military drills around Taiwan on Fri. as "a countermeasure to the recent negative actions of the US," including the visit of a delegation of Congressional reps.

    • The visiting US delegation declared their support for Taipei while also issuing a warning to China.

    The Spin

    Anti-China narrative

    China must have no doubt that invading Taiwan will have severe consequences. The US traditional strategy of ambiguity with regard to Taipei must be reformed in light of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Washington must stand for freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law in the Pacific.

    Pro-China narrative

    US lawmakers are acting irresponsibly with their various official visits to Taiwan and public declarations in favor of its secession. The US should respect the agreed upon one-China policy. The PRC doesn't want a conflict but it's prepared to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

    Metaculus Prediction

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