Durham Defends Clinton Campaign Allegations Amid Media Furore

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    The Facts

    • Special Counsel John H. Durham defended his motion filed on Feb. 11 after a furore divided Democrats, Republicans and media.

    • In the motion, Durham accused Michael A. Sussmann, a lawyer for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, of paying a tech firm to obtain private records on Trump from the White House, Trump Towers, his NYC apartment and his healthcare provider.

    The Spin

    Republican narrative

    Trump, accused of being a fantasist and liar, has been proven right and vindicated once again by the findings of the Durham investigation. The evidence of collusion between Clinton operatives, lawyers and a tech firm to spy on Trump while a candidate and then president makes the Watergate scandal look like good-natured juvenile horseplay.

    Democratic narrative

    This story has been distorted and overblown by right-wing media and politicians, and respectable media outlets justifiably aren't covering it much. Durham used a routine pre-trial court filing about conflict of interests to launder unproven conspiracy theories that, upon inspection, are based on a misleading presentation of the facts or outright misinformation.

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