Congress Holds First UFO Hearing in Fifty Years

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    The Facts

    • On Tues., Congress held its first hearing on UFOs in more than half a century, with top US intelligence officials and members of Congress agreeing that unexplained aerial phenomena (UAPs) are real, but remain a mystery.

    • The hearing was convened by the House of Intelligence Committee's Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation subcommittee.

    The Spin

    Narrative A

    While UAPs are currently unexplained, they are real and could pose a potential national security threat. There has long been a stigma associated with UAPs that has gotten in the way of proper intelligence analysis, and it's time that changes. These phenomena must be taken seriously.

    Narrative B

    While it's a good sign that Congress is taking the subject seriously, the hearing proved as inconclusive as last year's limited report. To truly get to the bottom of one of the world's greatest mysteries, the government needs to view the UAP issue as fundamentally scientific, not just a matter of military intelligence.

    Narrative C

    The US is currently faced with extreme gas prices, record-high inflation, violent crime that is wreaking havoc, and supply shortages. Yet, Congress still finds time to hold a hearing on UFOs. Is that really the best use of its time and resources?

    Metaculus Prediction

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