"Cowboys for Trump" Founder Convicted in Capitol Riot Case

    Image copyright: AP [via The Guardian]

    The Facts

    • Couy Griffin, a New Mexico county commissioner and founder of PAC "Cowboys for Trump," was convicted on Tues. of entering a restricted area during the the Jan. 6 riot at the US Capitol.

    • Griffin's case was a bench trial decided by a judge, and it marks the second consecutive trial victory for the DOJ in its efforts to prosecute those involved in the event.

    The Spin

    Pro-Trump narrative

    Trump supporters don't enjoy First Amendment rights to free speech and assembly under Biden's DOJ. Griffin was accused of "disorderly conduct" for leading a prayer on the steps of the Capitol, and the prosecution's star witness was another peaceful protestor who marched next to Griffin that day and then took an immunity deal.

    Democratic narrative

    Griffin is an unrepentant conspiracy theorist who continues to advocate for former president Trump's "big lie" that the 2020 election was stolen. He's a prime example of how conspiracy theories and the right wing media bubble have poisoned American politics.

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