Cricket Scotland Board Resigns Ahead of Racism Report

Image copyright: Getty Images [via Independent]

The Facts

  • A spokesperson for Cricket Scotland said the group will work with Sportscotland "to ensure appropriate governance, leadership and support" going forward, but said that the whole board's resignation was necessary as they wouldn't be able to meet the timetable recommended by the report.

  • The board also said that they "must now step aside to enable the required progress to be made in the coming months."

The Spin

Narrative A

The board have done the right thing in expressing their sorrow and stepping aside. Various organizations must work together to rectify current issues of discrimination and inequality, and to ensure that players and fans can comfortably participate in and support the sport in Scotland.

Narrative B

Resignation isn't enough. The board were all culpable for the institutional racism that has severely damaged players and the sport of cricket. Police Scotland need to fully investigate these damning allegations.

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