Day 54: At Least 7 Killed in Strikes on Lviv, Mariupol Refuses to Surrender

    Image copyright: Getty Images [via The Guardian]

    The Facts

    • Russian missile strikes targeted the western Ukrainian city of Lviv in the early hours of Monday. Lviv regional governor Maksym Kozytskyy said 7 people were killed and another 11, including a child, were injured.

    • Kozytskyy said three missiles had struck military facilities, with another striking a tire repair shop. Emergency services were sent to put out fires at the scenes of the strikes, he said.

    The Spin

    Anti-Russia narrative

    This is the war's decisive moment. Putin's dreams of a swift invasion of Ukraine have already been dashed, but the West, primarily the United States, now needs to do everything in its power to further support Ukraine against Russian aggression. If Ukraine loses this conflict, the chances of war between NATO and Russia increase, along with the prospect of Russian intervention in other areas.

    Pro-Russia narrative

    The Russian Special Operation was prompted by Western nations ignoring Russia's security concerns by creating and supporting far-right Ukrainian militias. In response, Russia is seeking to demilitarize the country and protect its ethnic Russians, all while ridding Ukraine of its neo-Nazi elements. Russia is succeeding with this effort and will continue until Ukraine's neutral status is guaranteed.

    Metaculus Prediction

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