Day 87: Heavy Fighting in Donbass Following Mariupol's Fall, Russia Cuts off Natural Gas to Finland

Image copyright: Reuters [via Al Jazeera]

The Facts

  • As of Sat., the Ukrainian government has still not confirmed that Mariupol has been fully captured by Russian forces, who claimed victory in the city after saying the last of the Ukrainian soldiers in the Azovstal steelwork plant - the city's final holdout - had surrendered on Friday.

  • Meanwhile, heavy fighting continues in Ukraine's eastern Donbass region, with the Ukrainian-held town of Sievierodonetsk coming under intense fire for days. On Friday, seven people - including a child - were reportedly injured in the city of Lozova after a cultural center was struck by Russian missiles.

The Spin

Anti-Russia narrative

This invasion is an egregious violation of international law. Putin's ultimate aim is to restore the Soviet empire, even if it takes massive bloodshed and false pretexts such as calling the 2014 Ukrainian revolution after a fraudulent election a "coup". This unprovoked attack is the latest chapter in Putin's Orwellian attempt to rewrite history.

Pro-Russia narrative

NATO and the US have ignored Russia's security concerns by breaking its promise not to expand eastward in return for German reunification. These concerns are legitimate and taking them seriously would have avoided the Ukraine tragedy.

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