Day 100 Roundup: Russia Vows To Continue Fighting as Ukrainine Claims Gains

    Image copyright: AP Photos [via Al Jazeera]

    The Facts

    • Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Fri. that Russia will continue fighting in Ukraine until "all its goals have been achieved," pointing particularly to territories in Luhansk and Donetsk.

    • As of Fri., the 100th day since full-scale war started, Zelenskyy says Russia now controls 20% of Ukraine's overall territory and that 100 fighters are dying every day. Despite that, Ukraine says they're making gains in some areas and have recaptured one-fifth of the territory previously lost in Severodonetsk.

    The Spin

    Pro-establishment narrative

    The US and its allies have a moral responsibility to support Ukraine against this brutal Russian invasion. Ukraine will sustain losses, but it must persevere in fighting Putin as the necessary counterweight to this aggression.

    Establishment-critical narrative

    While arming Ukraine is seemingly the only thing Democrats and Republicans can agree on, waging a proxy war with a nuclear super power won't save America from the problems it faces at home. Why risk a world war to repair a broken democracy?

    Metaculus Prediction

    Establishment split



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