Day 252 Roundup: Russia to Return to Grain Deal; US Troops Inspecting Weapons in Ukraine

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The Facts

  • Russia on Wednesday agreed to resume its participation in the grain deal brokered by Turkey and the UN, having recently pulled out of the agreement after accusing Ukraine — with the help of the British — of using the humanitarian shipping corridor to attack its Black Sea fleet over the weekend.

  • Russia's defense ministry said the country agreed to continue carrying out its role in the deal after receiving written guarantees from Kyiv that Ukraine would not use the sea corridor for military actions against Moscow, according to a statement.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

The need to arm Ukraine must be counterbalanced with strict oversight rules for American weapons to ensure they don't fall into the wrong hands. This move to send US troops to supervise the process is about ensuring long-term US interests are protected.

Pro-Russia narrative

The presence of US troops and advisers in Ukraine dramatically escalates the chances of a direct conflict between Russia and America. Once a contingent is in a warzone, it will likely grow until you have an all-out conflict — a situation that needs to be avoided.

Metaculus Prediction

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