Democrats Attempt to Revive Economic Agenda with Manchin's Support

    Image copyright: dailykos

    The Facts

    • On Wed., senior Democratic Senators published an updated policy plan to reduce the cost of prescription drugs after leaders met with party moderate Joe Manchin III (D-WV).

    • The West Virginian senator has obstructed the passage of Biden's social safety net, climate, and tax bill, which has been dormant since December.

    The Spin

    Republican narrative

    Democrats have been forced to scale back Biden's enormous package, but these costly measures would still be disastrous for America: they fail to boost competitiveness against China, contain woke carveouts, and would enact regulations related to so-called "climate change." Manchin should use his sense and continue to oppose these terrible policies.

    Democratic narrative

    Drug price regulation measures will immeasurably improve the lives of Americans. Empowering Medicare to negotiate costs is massively popular with voters across party lines and, despite the colossal influence of pharmaceutical lobbyists who will continue trying to defend corporation profiteering. This legislation is indicative of progress.

    Metaculus Prediction

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