Senator Questions Dr. Fauci's Finances

Image copyright: White House Flickr/Photo

The Facts

  • Dr. Anthony Fauci came under fire this week after a contentious senate hearing where Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) accused him of secretly holding "significant investments" in China and effectively profiting from the pandemic.

  • Fauci responded that his investments are already public under administrative law governing his position. He referred to the Senator as a "moron" surreptitiously, but it was caught on a hot mic.

The Spin

Right narrative

Fauci and his wife, who also works at the NIH, made over $1.7 million in 2020 while average Americans struggled to make ends meet under the harsh lockdowns imposed by these unelected bureaucrats.

Left narrative

This is just the latest attack on Fauci, a popular target of right-wing ire. Like so many before, it too is utterly baseless. Fauci's supposed investments in China were part of a mutual fund broadly focused on Asia.

Establishment-critical narrative

Criticism of Fauci is heavily censored: Dr. Kennedy Jr.'s new Fauci-critical book has virtually no reviews or comments in mainstream media despite spending many weeks at #1 on the New York Times bestseller list.

Political split