Elon Musk Responds to Elizabeth Warren on Taxes

    Image copyright: Getty Images: Theo Wargo | Bill Clark [via Daily Wire]

    The Facts

    • Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, is once again publicly feuding with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) over his taxes.

    • The latest row was prompted by Warren's appearance on CNN this weekend when she asserted that the world's richest man had paid $0 in federal taxes in 2018, a fact that has been confirmed by public reporting.

    The Spin

    Progressive narrative

    Musk, as usual, is avoiding the core issue of the equitable distribution of the tax burden on all Americans. Instead, he engages in petty social media feuds and misogynist personal attacks that appeal to his online supporters.

    Libertarian narrative

    Warren is a typical "big government" Democrat who wants to seize the wealth of innovators and job creators so that the federal government can squander it on wasteful spending programs.

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