EU Deal Paves Way for Strict Big Tech Rules

Image copyright: AP [via The Guardian]

The Facts

  • On Sat., the EU reached a deal known as the Digital Services Act (DSA) that will force Big Tech firms to take greater responsibility for content on their platforms - or risk multibillion dollar fines.

  • New obligations include removing illegal content and goods more quickly, transparency around how algorithms work, and stricter actions on the spreading of misinformation, among others.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

This is nothing more than a censorship bill. Instead of meeting the rising tide of populism and nationalism with any concessions to the masses, the EU is working to expand online censorship, regulate speech during times of crisis, and restrict online anonymity through digital passports.

Pro-establishment narrative

The DSA is the first serious attempt to set responsible rules and standards for algorithmic systems in digital media markets worldwide. This a greatly needed paradigm shift in tech regulation that will push companies to keep their platforms clean from illegal content, hate speech, and disinformation.

Establishment split



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