EU Formally Accepts Ukraine Candidate Status

    Image copyright: Getty Images [via CNBC]

    The Facts

    • Leaders of the European Union on Thurs. formally approved Ukraine's status as a candidate for membership, the first official step toward full membership in the union.

    • A similar status was also granted to Moldova, and it will be given to Georgia once the country meets certain conditions.

    The Spin

    Pro-establishment narrative

    Ukrainians have demonstrated that they're willing to die for the European values; it's only right they be given access to the European dream. This is an important step in affirming that Ukraine is a part of Europe, not of the 'Russian world.'

    Establishment-critical narrative

    If Ukraine were to join the EU, it would only further complicate the country's position with Russia and draw the world even nearer to a global conflict. Granting Ukraine EU candidacy threatens EU security and welcomes Russian aggression. Are we sure this is such a good idea?

    Narrative C

    The EU cannot speed up the membership process or give Ukraine preferential treatment. As the Balkan states have been waiting for many years to become EU member states, prioritizing Ukraine may alienate and push them closer to Russia and China.

    Metaculus Prediction

    Establishment split



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