Ex-CIA Engineer Convicted of Largest Info Theft in Agency History

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The Facts

  • Joshua Schulte, a former CIA software engineer, was convicted on Wed. on federal charges of violating the Espionage Act of 1917. He is accused of causing the biggest theft of classified information in CIA history.

  • The so-called 'Vault 7' materials published by WikiLeaks revealed how the CIA hacked numerous devices including Apple and Android smartphones in overseas spying operations, as well as turned internet-connected televisions into listening devices.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Joshua Schulte's actions were brazen and extremely damaging. They had a devastating effect on the ability of US intelligence agencies to perform their job and keep Americans safe from hostile countries and terrorist organizations.

Establishment-critical narrative

The US government and its Justice Dept. have increasingly used the archaic Espionage Act to punish well-meaning whistleblowers for revealing government wrongdoing. There can be no democracy without informed consent. These developments are extremely worrying.

Establishment split



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