Ex-Trump Aide Navarro Indicted for Contempt of Congress

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    The Facts

    • Former Trump trade advisor Peter Navarro has been indicted by a federal grand jury for contempt of Congress after refusing to cooperate with the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riots.

    • Navarro was arrested Fri. by the FBI and faces two contempt counts: one for his failure to produce documents, and the second for failing to show up for subpoenaed testimony.

    The Spin

    Democratic narrative

    This is bad news for Navarro, who's facing up to a year in prison and possibly a minimum of a month in jail. But it could be worse for Trump and others involved in trying to stop the certification of the 2020 election results. This sends a message there will be consequences for not answering a subpoena from the Jan. 6 committee.

    Pro-Trump narrative

    There's no coincidence this indictment came not long after Navarro said on TV he'd lead the charge to impeach Pres. Biden if the GOP takes over Congress in the midterms. This committee continues to be a political witch hunt. Congress shouldn't have law enforcement powers, and the committee's subpoena power is invalid because it has no ranking member and just two GOP lawmakers among its nine-person panel.

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