FBI: Iran Govt Hackers Targeted US Children's Hospital

Image copyright: Bloomberg via Getty Images [via NBC News]

The Facts

  • At a cybersecurity conference on Wed., FBI Director Christopher Wray said that the FBI foiled a planned cyberattack on a children's hospital in Boston last year that was to have been carried out by Iranian-backed hackers.

  • US authorities reportedly received a report from an intelligence partner that the hospital was about to be targeted and acted immediately to inform the hospital and prevent the attack.

The Spin

Narrative A

Iran, as well as China and Russia, pose an existential threat to the US' critical infrastructure. There's no doubt that US enemies will use system vulnerabilities to engage in cyberwarfare and weaken the country from within. Steps must be taken to protect the US and strengthen its networks.

Narrative B

Though it may seem obvious that Iran, or any other geopolitical rival to the US, would be behind these types of attacks, determining the attribution of cyberattacks is incredibly difficult. Attribution is one of the core conundrums of cybersecurity, and, in certain circumstances, it can be essentially impossible to accurately determine who launched a cyberattack given the decentralized nature of how the cyberworld functions.

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