FL House Terminates Disney’s Special Tax Status

    Image copyright: Getty [via Newsweek]

    The Facts

    • Florida's state House on Thurs. passed a bill to terminate all special districts in the state that were established before 1968, including Disney's Reedy Creek Improvement District, by June 2023.

    • The bill, which passed the GOP-controlled Senate in a 23-16 vote on Wed., will strip Walt Disney of its special self-governing status.

    The Spin

    Right narrative

    DeSantis is setting an example for all GOP lawmakers by giving Disney its deserved punishment. Big corporations shouldn't be allowed to force woke policies on voters and families.

    Left narrative

    This is a despicable move by the GOP, who claim to be all in favor of the free market until they decide to use government power to punish a corporation that doesn't side with them in their culture war.

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