FL Legislature Passes DeSantis’ Congressional Map

Image copyright: Breitbart

The Facts

  • Florida's GOP-led legislature has passed a controversial congressional map introduced by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), who vetoed a map the legislature had previously considered. It will take effect after DeSantis' signature.

  • The map creates 20 GOP-leaning and 8 Democratic-leaning seats – compared to the 16 to 11 current configuration - while dismantling two predominantly Black districts around Jacksonville and Orlando.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Florida Republicans continue to wear their racism on their sleeves. This map strips Black citizens of their political autonomy, and limits opportunities for Black politicians.

Republican narrative

The vetoed maps were a ridiculous attempt at racial gerrymandering. Florida has done a great job to wipe out the Democrats' unfair advantage by eliminating constitutional infirmities.

Cynical narrative

Both Democrats and Republicans gerrymander massively, making American democracy far from fair. Election laws should change.

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