FDA Blocks Florida Monoclonal Antibody COVID treatment

Image copyright: AP

The Facts

  • Gov. Ron DeSantis has condemned Biden for withholding monoclonal antibody treatments for COVID from Florida.

  • The FDA has withdrawn emergency approval of the Regeneron and Eli Lilly treatments, deeming them ineffective against Omicron.

The Spin

Left narrative

DeSantis is touting baseless treatments again. He should spend his energy promoting things that actually work, like vaccines.

Right narrative

The treatments are effective against the still-active Delta. Halting them was a political decision -- they're a failsafe for the unvaccinated, and thus unacceptable to Democrats.

Cynical narrative

DeSantis only cares about this because Ken Griffin, his top donor, has nearly $16 million invested in Regeneron.

Political split



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