Former Minneapolis Cop Pleads Guilty In George Floyd Murder

Image copyright: AP [via New York Post]

The Facts

  • Thomas Lane, an ex-Minneapolis police officer involved in George Floyd's death, pleaded guilty on Wed. to a state charge of aiding and abetting second-degree manslaughter.

  • His lawyers and prosecutors jointly recommended a three-year prison sentence. He's scheduled to be sentenced on Sept. 21.

The Spin

Left narrative

Although, this won't bring Floyd back, it's an important step towards healing the nation and bringing closure to his family. Lane's guilty plea may help bring a new understanding of the lack of officer accountability that has enabled police violence against civilians and fueled racial unrest.

Right narrative

Though Floyd's death was an avoidable tragedy, Lane's actions weren't necessarily criminal. He was a rookie who tried to take charge in a crisis but was dismissed by his superior, and now has to pay the price for someone else's actions.

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