Pakistan Court Grants Interim Bail to Former PM

Image copyright: AFP/Getty Images [via The New York Times]

The Facts

  • On Thurs., a Pakistan court granted interim bail to former PM Imran Khan in what was his first court appearance since being charged on Sun. under the country's antiterrorism act for allegedly threatening officials and a judge over the arrest of his chief of staff, Shahbaz Gill, in a speech.

  • His bail bond - granted until Sept. 1 - was set at 100K rupees, or roughly $450. He was also awarded bail until Sept. 7 over a charge of unlawful assembly for 5k rupees, around $22. His next hearing is set for Wednesday.

The Spin

Narrative A

Khan - who has repeatedly spread dangerous conspiracy theories - finally has to face the law. Through his seditious words, he's responsible for instigating extremism, and the government cannot sit idle while he continues to incite rebellion and harm the country.

Narrative B

The so-called "threat" and "spreading of hate" for which Khan is being charged is the threat to sue officials and the police. Khan has clearly improved in popularity after he was removed from office in April, and the charges against him risk pushing an already divided country into chaos.

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